Thursday, October 9, 2008

Humans in Hiding.

Humans have a condition. Humans want to be KNOWN. We want to wake up having that sense of security that a special person in our life knows the precious and deepest parts of us. We want to reveal ourselves to others. But we don't know how. We don't know how to be vulnerable with others. We hide who we really are in an effort to please others and become who we think they want us to be. Out of fear we even control others because we are affraid of our own vulnerability. We walk around with a mask. We hide ourselves from those we love. We all do it. I do it. You do it. Our moms and brothers do it. Our leaders do it. Everyone does it. We all walk around wounded because we aren't willing to be vulnerable and show who we really are. When we show who we really are at our core and the goodness that exists in us- there is freedom and there is healing.

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